The shop will be closed December 12–31  – Please place your order by December 11


Daily Affirmations

Explore the adventurous, optimistic and curious energy of Sagittarius with spiritual affirmations, an oracle card reading, and crystal healing — plus download your free art print.
Explore the deep and healing energy of Scorpio with spiritual affirmations, an oracle card reading, and crystal healing — plus download your free art print.
How you can play and shine bright with the Leo energy with spiritual affirmations, an oracle card reading, and crystal healing — plus download your free art print.
How you can invite in and flow with the Cancer energy with spiritual affirmations, an oracle card reading, and crystal healing — plus download your free art print.
5 positive messages to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom, imagination and intuition.
A 5-card spread you can include as part of your new moon practice each cycle.
A 5-card spread you can include as part of your full moon practice each cycle.

The Darling Newsletter

 is an inspiring monthly love letter to your inbox, filled with musings about creativity, a peek into my process, tools and resources to help you on your own magical journey and to bring some beauty and light into your day.

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