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Affirmations for Connecting With Your Intuition

5 positive messages to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom, imagination and intuition.
Affirmations for connecting with your intuition

When creating powerful change in your life, your thought patterns are one of the most important elements to bring your awareness to. Those long-held beliefs about ourselves, the people around us and the world we live in. Once you truly learn to harness the power of positivity, it has a wonderful effect on your life.

Using daily affirmations as a guiding tool to repeat positive statements to yourself, as though they are already true, begins to challenge your past beliefs and begins to create new possibilities, ideas and behaviour.

Here are some affirmations for connecting with your intuition. Write down one or two that you feel most connected to. Place it near you to remind yourself and, throughout the day, focus on them and repeat a few times, to feel the truth embody you.

1 /

I deepen my connection with spirit and discover the unique ways it speaks to me.

On a mental level, you may accept the notion of the divine power and love of the universe, but it can feel challenging to truly feel this physically, emotionally and spiritually. Are you clouded by your perception of what that experience should look and feel like, and turn to others to emulate what they experience? You can define for yourself how your connection to spirit looks and feels.

2 /

I am an open and clear channel to receive guidance and clarity from my guides and the universe.

The ability to see things from different angles gives you an understanding that your previous conditioning or narrow view may not have offered as the best way forward. There are many possibilities and courses of action, some of which may be much better aligned with you and your truth, and offer greater spiritual learning and growth.

3 / 

My body is a powerful messenger and I listen carefully to the signs and guidance I receive.

Receiving messages from the divine occurs when you open up to every possible way for that information to come through you. Acknowledge it, feel it within your body, if and where it resonates, and choose to act on it or let it go. Imagine that every cell in your body is connected and open, listening for the more subtle and quiet messages of knowing.

4 / 

I open myself to seeing new possibilities that align with my spirit.

The ability to see things from different angles gives you an understanding that your previous conditioning or narrow view may not have offered as the best way forward. There are many possibilities and courses of action, some of which may be much better aligned with you and your truth, and offer greater spiritual learning and growth.

5 /  

I am connected with all beings and feel the wisdom of all of life embedded within my body, mind and spirit.

There is an abundance of wisdom we can receive from nature, animals, the stars, the planets and the universe which is often overlooked. Such intelligence is the key to our survival, happiness and spiritual growth. Take a step back from your physical self and connect with that ever-present underlying nature of all things and feel its love, peace and connection to all.

You can share these affirmations on your Instagram or pin them on your Pinterest inspiration boards! You can find me on Instagram and Pinterest.

Affirmations for connecting with your intuition
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